In my colleague's article she talks about how a group of Texans wish to allow the option to have a confederate license plate for their vehicle clamming it to be a historical symbol. the flag was protested and was signed by 2,000 citizens of Texas to oppose it.
I agree with my colleague about it causing too much controversy within the state because of the racial history behind the flag. Yes Americans have their right to express themselves but not at the expense of another feelings and culture. the reason that this would not work because if they are allowed to have the option of the confederate flag then that will have to permit the KKK a plate and the Mexican military flag and even religious plates. its too distinct to just allow one type because of its history in Texas because there is so much history in Texas. pleasing one particular religion organization or any interest group causes it to have to be fair to all groups and practices and its too much to go through and too much trouble. especially for a plate that you yourself rarely even get to enjoy and see.