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Friday, December 9, 2011

Governor Perry Opposes Confederate Flag License Plate

   In my colleague's article she talks about how a group of Texans wish to allow the option to have a confederate license plate for their vehicle clamming it to be a historical symbol. the flag was protested and was signed by 2,000 citizens of Texas to oppose it.
    I agree with my colleague about it causing too much controversy within the state because of the racial history behind the flag. Yes Americans have their right to express themselves but not at the expense of another feelings and culture. the reason that this would not work because if they are allowed to have the option of the confederate flag then that will have to permit the KKK a plate and the Mexican military flag and even religious plates. its too distinct to just allow one type because of its history in Texas because there is so much history in Texas. pleasing one particular religion organization or any interest group causes it to have to be fair to all groups and practices and its too much to go through and too much trouble. especially for a plate that you yourself rarely even get to enjoy and see.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Advance To Boradwalk

   The Texas Attorney General Greg Abbot is on a mission to stop three federal San Antonio judges attempt to change the mapping of the districts in Texas. These three judges in San Antonio explained that there were two reasons that they elected to change the mapping of the districts. The first reason was to make a new map that was more accurate with the 2010 census, and the second reason is that Washington never approved the legislator maps with no hearing on the plans yet. Greg Abbot felt that this decision was too much authority for a federal judge and illegal.
    This will most likely be looked into further and see and make sure that these judges are not committing gerrymandering. This redistricting is an important power for some but not all can use this power. Most of the time redistricting is only used to make an advantage for one party to win more of the future votes. This can be beneficial though if they are fixing the maps because of an inaccurate number with the census and it can fix it by mapping the districts by the real numbers. It can also help with the future elections with always having the most accurate information before remapping a district. We will soon learn if they were actually trying to help make everything right or not soon.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Winner Takes All

     In an article from the Texas Tribute, it talks about four "Bundlers" for President Obama's camping for next election. This group of people are donating hundreds and thousands of dollars for President Obama to run in the next election and I feel that this large amounts of money is used and managed terribly. First off the white house has made so many Organizations that were made on the spot so I feel that they could make another one for the management of Presidential funding. I believe that if so many people are willing to donate so much money for a presidential election that it should all be put into an account and each candidate should be given a exhibition test on how they would spend the donated money and who would they give it do. We have a popular vote that is not important to the election but just a neat statistic so i feel that with every bodies concern with the economy i believe that a text with the donated money should be put to use on helping the economy or whatever the candidates choose. they could be scored based off of how much money and how much improvement they were able to accomplish with in a short period of time. this would not only prove they could be an asset but the people would be benefited by the contest as well. Many people are lost in knowing who to vote for, I say give them a chance to prove themselves that they are right for the job as the leader of the greatest nation in the world. 

                                                                                                                                   -Christian Medeiros

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Meet me at the Basketball Court at 4:00

        Tod Robberson of the Dallas News made a blog about protesters on a Dallas street corner. He is talking too primarily to the residents of Dallas, but it pertains to everybody that is American. Robberson is pointing out to us that these people claim many demands but do not stand up for what they want, thus no real results happen and change. This blog interest me because you cannot go anywhere today without someone having an opinion on how the government should be ran and how they do not look over us but the thing is how can them if they do not see any smoke signals? I feel that a common misconception in a lot of us is that we assume that Washington knows exactly what we all want and they are just holding back with their help. The truth is Washington has many, many bills and laws they are focused on and they work on them one at a time. We all should remember that if we want something to change than we need to do something about it. Robberson's logic in this blog is pointing out the irony of how the protester who was interviewed expected many people to back him up and a valid good reason that they should. The point of this blog is to show that it is the people who are the real reason that nothing changes. the politicians only root for what they feel that America wants, and if they hear huge crowds of gays and abortion activists than they will react to them. I strongly agree with the point that Robberson is making here. I am a strong believer that you can not fix something if you do not give attention to the issue. We all just accept that fact that it is a problem and it will never be fixed. A favorite book of mine," Rich Dad Poor Dad" has one of my favorite quotes stating," poor people say I can not afford that, and rich people say how can I afford that" that is a perspective that can be used in this situation as well. It is a mentality and knowledge of how we are able to change the laws if we are willing to fight together to change what we want changed.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

an Apple for the Class

This article is about a new law that has been passed where textbook companies now have to offer their business to districts instead of states to lower the power of the school board to teach whatever they want the author is targeting families with children and providing helpful news about what to watch for in their schools. The author's claim is that this will help the teachers and parents more local control in their schools. On the other hand many are opposing the idea for reasons like now schools are able to take anything off the web or shelves to teach and when the schools at the end of the year all have to take the Texas state exam will be very difficult to accommodate the entire curriculum.This seems beneficial for all schools in Texas and gives parents and opportunity to interact with their kid’s school and help decide what they want their kids to be taught. If one district chose to teach evolution than they can and if another district wanted to teach creation they have that option now. Textbook companies have been talking to electronic publishers such as apple and kindle to put in schools as well.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Obama's $85 Billion reinforcement to local and state governments

      President Obama sent a bill to congress Monday to give $447 Billion dollar to help local and state government's workforce and schools funding. Texans are expected to be given $2.6 Billion for transit and $2.3 for schooling. He is also trying to help the people who have been laid off by giving them 6 weeks to keep their benefits.
       To summarize if this funding is handled and taken care of properly, this system should help boost Texas employment and education sufficiently.  By giving money to transit to help fix our roads will pay for more workers who need lunch breaks that will stimulate the food industry that will help produce more jobs and money for them as well. It works like a row of domino's. If the bill passes i am confident that it will help Texas economy and benefit it the way the bill was intended.
to learn more about this article visit this link:

Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Post-Modern Type

I took the Where Do You Fit? test and they placed me in the Post-Modern category. The description of it sounds  on the money with how I feel about politics. If you have read my about me you would understand why i have been chosen in the area. My question to you viewers is how many are you also Post-Modern and why do you feel you are?